If I have learned one thing about distance running is that it is much more mental than physical. So often, the key is occupying your mind for the length of time that you will be running. Two hours or more is a long time to be alone with one’s thoughts. An idle, non-focused mind will inevitably find its way to self-destructive thoughts: the heat, the pain, the hills, the whatever. The non-focused mind will find a reason to quit. I refuse to allow myself to have a non-focused mind. I have learned to lock in to a comfortable pace and then focus my mind.
I focus my mind on my Muse, my perpetual source of strength. When I get locked in to my Muse, a two hour run is no longer a test of endurance, but an opportunity to seek and find inspiration. When I get locked in, my Muse whispers in my ear and reveals the answers to life’s mysteries. My Muse allows my long runs to transcend the physical and enter the realm of the spiritual. My Muse propels me ever forward like a tailwind on a down slope, encouraging me like nothing else can. My Muse is powerful beyond powerful and when I am locked in, this power makes me unstoppable. When I emerge from the run, my body is strong, my heart clear and my mind reenergized.
Do you want to be a distance runner? It’s a mind game. Find your Muse. I won’t take a single step without mine!
Monday (7/23) - 6 miles
Tuesday (7/24) - 8 miles
Wednesday (7/25) - 6 miles
Thursday (7/26) - 4 miles
Friday (7/27) - 14 miles