Thursday, November 1, 2012

7 Reasons I'm Running a Marathon: #5 - For the Fitness.

I am running my first marathon on Saturday, November 3rd.  So I will blog all week about seven reasons why I'm running a marathon.

#5 - For the Fitness

I used to have the hardest time sticking with any work out program. I would always get hung up on the fact that if I wanted to be fit for the rest of my life, I'd have to pay it's price for the rest of my life.  Fifty more years of grueling work outs, 50 more years of what my father calls "push backs", pushing back from the table and avoiding my favorite foods. I would stay motivated for short periods of time, but then get depressed by the notion of a world without chicken wings.  And friends, "if chicken wings are wrong, then I don't want to be right!"

But then I figured it out. I don't have to win the next 50 years. Just today. So instead of choosing workout plans that were supposed to inspire me for the next 50 years, I focused on plans that kept me motivated for 60-90 days.  This way, I could say to myself, "This is only for 60 days. You can do anything for 60 days, right?"

So today, I am a serial goal setter when it comes to fitness.  I go H.A.M. (if you don't know, look it up), towards a goal and then have another lined up right behind it.

Staying fit is no longer my "main goal" as much as it is an outcome of meeting my short term goals.  And in the process, I have no problem staying fit.  It's about finishing P90x or Insanity... or training for this marathon.  Fitness is simply an outcome of pursuing a different goal more interesting than simply "staying fit."

Maybe it's just a "Jedi mind trick" but it's working for me.  And wait 'til you hear what I'm doing next!!

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