Wednesday, August 31, 2011

It's Not You. It's Me.

I'm writing to tell you I can't see you anymore.

I know that writing a letter is a punk move.  I should be doing this in person, but I can't handle it right now.  I still find you irresistible and if I see you now, you and I both know where that will lead.  The mere sight of your golden brown skin makes me lose all sense of reason and self-control.  I'm just plain reckless around you.  Remember that time on the stairs?  Breaking up with you is the only way I can cope with this strange addiction.

Please know that you didn't do anything wrong.  I knew from the start that this could end badly.  You warned me that dudes were always getting sprung over you and that I would do the same.  I  knew you weren't looking for a lasting relationship, just a good time.  I should have listened to you then.

The simple truth is that you and I are toxic together.  The adrenaline rush I feel when we are together is always followed by regret and despair.  As much as I love you, and I do still love you, I am tired of always having to undue the damage that us being together causes.  You are who you are and I know I can't ask you to change.  So I must make a change.

Please believe me when I say that it's not you.  It's me. So, French fries, I have decided to give you up forever...or least for a little while.

What did you think I was talking about?

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