Thursday, August 23, 2012

My Story (Part 4 of 4) - Staying Motivated to Work Out

I know how hard it is to get motivated and stay motivated. There have been times in my life during which wild horses couldn't drag me to the gym. But today, those same wild horses can't keep me away. My friends ask me all the time, "how to you stay motivated?" Here are my Top 10 keys to staying motivated to stay fit. I hope this helps you find the motivation to stay your course!

10) Ease into it
When I was younger, I would get all jacked up after returning to the gym from a"hiatus." I would invariably push myself so hard that I would be sore for a week, causing another...umm...hiatus. Go slow and build up. You have no one to impress but yourself, so pump the brakes when you are starting out.

9) Stretch
Stretching is generally the last thing I want to do. When I get to the gym, I want to get after it and when I get done, I want to "get gone." However, stretching before and after workouts will help you beat back the soreness, giving you one less reason to give up.

8) Be consistent
I have heard it said that it takes 21 days to develop a good habit. Exercising is no different. You have to develop the habit of working out consistently. In the beginning, in these first 21 days, it is more important to show up on every scheduled day than it is to go hard. Even if it's just 10 minutes, make sure you show up!

7) Sleep well
For those of us who work out in the morning, the biggest threat to a workout is often the snooze button. He's a sneaky brotha and he'll trip you up if you don't allow yourself enough sleep. Often, a great workout (or a skipped workout) starts the night before.

6) Eat well
I used to workout on an empty stomach in the wee hours of the morning. However, I find that I'm stronger when I eat at least a little sumpin' sumpin'. For me, it's protein bars or whey protein shakes. Not enough to get full, but enough that the sound of my stomach growling doesn't drown out my iPod.

5) Set Short Term Goals
I used to get overwhelmed by knowing that I had to work out for ... the... rest... of... I thought, "what's the use. Pass the Oreos". Now I keep myself motivated by breaking up "the rest of my life" into 30 to 90 days increments. It's much easier for me to push to the end of a 90 day program than to keep pushing with no end in sight.

4) Mix it Up
The folks at P90x have done a great job of popularizing the notion of "muscle confusion." The concept is that, in order to get the best results, you have to keep your muscles "confused" by varying your workouts. This works on two levels. Mixing up your workout keeps you from being stuck at a "plateau," but it also keeps you from getting bored so easily. If your workout is fun, you'll keep at it.

3) Set Long Term Goals
Everyone needs a vision. I have long terms goal as well - lofty goals that will take some time, but inspire me to keep going. I plan to finish a marathon (first) and then qualify for the Boston Marathon (next). I plan to maintain my current weight for another year and then another year after that. None of this will be accomplished tomorrow, but they are tangible, measurable goals that keep me moving forward.

2) Make Your Program Fit Your Lifestyle
Don't set yourself up for failure by making your "workout appointment" difficult to keep. If you are a night person, forget about working out early in the morning. If you travel a lot, don't choose a program that you can't do on the road. Don't choose a gym that is way out of your way or you'll quickly stay out of its way. Make your work out program fit your lifestyle and you will be more likely to stay with it.

1) Work Out With a Purpose
I work out for several reasons that are meaningful to me. Some are "higher calling" reasons (I.e. - setting a good example for my kids) and others are not (I.e. - I'm can be straight up vain too). Each morning, I have a purpose. One of these reasons is meaningful enough to me to get my butt to the gym. If you believe in your mission, even wild horses won't keep you from completing it!

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